Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ramya's Family (+photos)

These five photos taken by Terry Berger early in my stay in Sathyamangalam show my dear friends Ramya and her sister, Yamini, along with their mother, Sumathi. This is the day they tried to teach me south Indian cooking. Missing from the photos are Ramya's wonderful Daddy Prakash & Uncle Mohan. You'll see the kitchen and main hall of Terry's apartment, which was my home base for a couple of months.

I am back in the USA now, integrating the new and the longstanding: friends, ideas, directions; reflecting on my journey; planning next steps.

Suddenly ideas explored at CIIS are hot again, such as ontology and epistemology... What is real? How do we know what we know? It is glaringly obvious after a trip abroad that societal realities are largely constructed, and therefore shifting realities involves reconstruction. What might that look like?

Up next: I intend to post here soon a draft version of a concept paper I'm working on for the water project.