The Earth is in the news more and more. There is a minimum of one story about water every day in the newspapers here. My heart goes out to anyone experiencing loss from the earthquake and cyclone.
Kerala's summer is nearly over. Students are beginning a new school year now. This will be my first near-full year in South India (I will be in the USA for four weeks starting in mid-June). The temperatures and humidity have been a fascinating experience for this newcomer. Now I understand why everyone says that the monsoons are nice. I'm still learning the rhythm of the seasons, and how people organize themselves around that.
On this note, classes at Raja Ravi Varma College of Fine Arts in Mavelikkara will start in the first week of June. I am looking forward to actualizing the course we are co-creating, which explores collaboration, and nature in art with emphasis on water. The college offers tracks in sculpture, painting, and applied arts. We have designed many experimental and experiential activities already, and more are emerging that will provide rich opportunities for discovery, learning, research, skill building, and more.
"We" in this case includes lecturers Shijo Jacob and A.P. Sunil, principal N.N. Rimzon, Beauty of Water collaborator V.Sasikumar, and myself, with student input of course. Sasi will be filming happenings as the course evolves.
Other Beauty of Water activities continue in development with Keralite leadership and partnership. Each activity is in creative stages. Drop me a line from the Beauty of Water website if you want to weigh in in any way.