Friday, November 09, 2007

Good Bye to the Bay Area for Now

I'm sad to be leaving the vibrant, dynamic San Francisco Bay Area tomorrow, yet excited for things to come. In the five weeks I've been here I've volunteered for Earth Island Institute's Brower Youth Awards (check out 14-year-old Alex's acceptance speech) and the Bioneers Conference. Last night I heard Joanna Macy talk at my alma matter, CIIS. She read from her re-released World as Lover, World as Self book, and said the past and the future live within us, which is undeniable from a genetic standpoint; we the living have an obligation to guard that which has become radioactive and toxic under our watch; we should each adopt something of the Earth to take loving care of. Today the San Francisco Green Festival starts (website by my friends at, though I'm too busy packing to attend. Tomorrow I'm off for points east, starting with Oxford Brookes University and then on to India.

I am deeply moved by the support that Beauty of Water and I have received these past weeks, in the form of food, shelter, heartfelt companionship, and storage for my belongings. A Wisconsin visit was also a highlight, especially bicycling with Dad along Lake Michigan. Peace to all and thank you, Bay Area, for your eternal inspiration.