I met an artist from The Netherlands, Martina Florians, while in Weimar, Germany. She and others were preparing an exhibit called Le Souvenir, at ACC Galerie. Her piece, The Changing Smells, struck me as wonderfully creative, and the more I absorbed what she was doing, the more brilliant I percieved it to be. Martina's gorgeous website features this and other of her works, well worth a visit.
I brought a souvenir home from that piece, a jar containing a salty powder that held the scent of a previous participant in Martina's experiential exhibit, someone I had not met. I told Martina I'd let her know how it went at US Customs. This email conversation ensued, which touches first on her art piece, and moves to a discussion of Beauty of Water. I thank Martina for agreeing to allow me to post this minimally edited writing.