Close friends are aware that finding clarity, such as where to live, is something I've historically struggled with. Once I have clarity, powerful things happen. Action and manifestation come easily the moment I know what I want. Yet gaining clarity, even as a process-oriented person with higher than average tolerance for the unknown, has been trying at times. Therefore I am especially delighted to share that I have determined some things about the shape of my next year.
For the next several months I plan to continue the life I am enjoying here in the town of Edmonds, north of Seattle. I love being a personal trainer at Mieko's, I'm pursuing certification, I have a private client which is pleasant and enriching and helps with cash flow, and I've got a couple of valuable trades started, wherein I receive massage and life coaching. I also enjoy my own fitness program, which includes Rodney Yee yoga DVD's -- ahhhhh! I am still living with my sister and her super fun family, and there is an action packed summer ahead.
In October I'll head to India for an extended stay, working with Santhan on the Beauty of Water art piece production. Last I heard he is locating an art studio near a river and some artist friends I really enjoyed hanging out with last year.
Meanwhile I've sent a first draft of the Beauty of Water budget out to several people who work in non-profits, arts organizations, and the like, and I've been receiving excellent input and support. More on this when I can share more officially. I've also continued to receive good contacts from artists and other water oriented professionals. Keep 'em coming!
The next quantum leap for Beauty of Water is having one or two new people partner in a big way in leadership for the project. I am ready to share this job, and to allow others to bring their creativity to it. I look forward to seeing what unfolds as it all continues to expand. Peace and blessings all.