The amazing Latha Kurien Rajeev is continuing with several programs in Kerala including Waterwalk, an art journey inspired by talks between Latha and JohnyML which will take place along the Bharathapuzha River, the Watermark exhibition, a rainstick making and sharing project, and the visit of an eminent ecoartist we admire. What a thrill!
Next weekend Beauty of Water is conducting a small group, three-day painting camp at the Triprayar River with leadership by painter Baiju Laxman, shown here. And before I depart here in mid-July I will lead a 2-day program that includes site specific art making at the National Institute of Speech and Hearing. Please watch for photos and stories.
While I get settled in the USA and these programs continue, beloved Harachi Birgit Stein, shown below with a recent sculpture, is weaving together several Beauty of Water related activities in Austria.
Can you help? We are eager to generate support for her as she meets on-the-ground challenges of bringing new ideas into manifest form. Contact us if you can assist Harachi in any way. You can also donate online and let me know it's for Austria programs. Thank you!
This blog entry was minimally edited on June 27, 2009.
Beauty of Water Website
Can you help? We are eager to generate support for her as she meets on-the-ground challenges of bringing new ideas into manifest form. Contact us if you can assist Harachi in any way. You can also donate online and let me know it's for Austria programs. Thank you!
This blog entry was minimally edited on June 27, 2009.
Beauty of Water Website